David Deusner

David Deusner is an freelance photographer and crafty DIYer.  A self-proclaimed “fix it guy,” David Deusner calls on his problem-solving skills to tackle small remodeling jobs around his home fairly frequently.  

David Deusner DIY

If he can build it — he will. If he can fix it — he will. Friends and family often call on him to repair odds and ends, trusting him to get the job done efficiently.  With a strong sense of independence, David Deusner thoroughly enjoys taking on a challenge with DIY projects — even in the arts. As a child, his parents instilled a love of photography in him by giving him the gift of his first ever camera.  The gift inspired a hobby which he proudly maintains in his adult life. Today, all Deusner family photos — from the New Years Eve party to Christmas celebrations — are shot with careful consideration by David Deusner.

David Deusner Movie Buff

A lifelong movie buff, he loves keeping up with recent blockbusters during his down time. To this day, he maintains Deusner Movie Night, a family tradition concocted by his parents years and years ago. The Movie Night is an evening of family fun that David Deusner looks forward to eagerly. On a weekly basis, he picks up a flick from the local Redbox or takes the family out to the cinema. As a child, he loved acting out scenes from each Movie Night film for his family’s entertainment. Today, the tradition lives on! An avid amateur actor, David Deusner loves making his family laugh by reciting memorable movie quotes and energetically acting out his favorite scenes from the silver screen.

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